My Reading

I prefer books to watching TV and will climb into bed early to read for an hour or more in the evening. I like fast paced stories with lots of emotion. Sometimes I read because a book fascinates me, in which case I slow my reading down and savor the story.  Other times I read just to give my mind a vacation. I have trouble not finishing a book that bores me because I'm in constant hope that excitement is just around the corner.

When I was a child I lived less than two blocks from the library. I read everything they had on horses. Then I read all the dog stories, then the gothic romances, and finally moved on to books about whaling. (I grew up on Long Island, NY and there is a lot of whaling history). And I read my two dozen volume set of the Elsie Dinsmore books twice. The Elsie books were written by Martha Finley in the late 1800s.

I love sagas. I read John Jakes' volumes of North and South cover to cover. I binge read and  tend to read one genre at a time and have read a huge variety of topics and authors. I'd include some of my favorite here but I know I'd leave someone out, so you'll have to watch for blog posts of book reviews. At this time, I love clean contemporary romance and romantic suspense, but romantic suspense must have a heavy dose of romance to make me happy. I'd love to hear about your favorite books.

I read lots of non-fiction when I'm researching or studying a craft. I thoroughly enjoy research and do much of it online.

A few of my favorite writing books are:
Most books by James Scott Bell
The Dreaded Synopsis by Elizabeth Sinclair
Writing a Romance Novel for Dummies by Leslie Wainger
Writing with Emotion, Tension, & Conflict by Cheryl St. John
Techniques of the Selling Writer by Dwight V. Swain
Goal, Motivation & Conflict by Debra Dixon

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